Orange-fronted Parakeet Conservation

A wild Orange-fronted Parakeet perches in a bush
© New Zealand Department of Conservation

Department of Conservation New Zealand, New Zealand Parrot Trust (World Parrot Trust affiliate)

View Species Profile

In 2020 with the support of the New Zealand Parrot Trust, we will attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Malherbe’s Parakeets on Tuhua Island. We will conduct an island-wide survey and collect information on their nesting biology that hopefully can help us understand how well they are establishing there. With plenty of offshore islands and the technology to control introduced predators more efficiently on the mainland, we believe that the future bodes well for these beautiful birds, and we hope that many more island populations are established to conserve a truly enigmatic New Zealand endemic.

2021. Estimating the population size of orange-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus malherbi) on offshore islands of New Zealand.  

Abstract- In this study, we aimed to produce estimates of population size for three translocated populations of the critically endangered orange-fronted parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi), after a mean establishment period of 6.3 years. We also recorded natural history notes of the species. Using fixed-point distance sampling, we assessed the populations established on Te Kākahu-o-Tamatea / Chalky Island, Te Pākeka / Maud Island, and Oruawairua / Blumine Island. We confirmed the presence of orange-fronted parakeets on Te Kākahu-o-Tamatea / Chalky Island but could not produce density estimates due to a small number of detections. We did not detect orange-fronted parakeets on Te Pākeka / Maud Island. On Oruawairua / Blumine Island, based on 20 detections, we estimated a population of 193 ± 91 parakeets distributed through the mature forest of the 3.77 km2 island. Our findings indicate that Oruawairua / Blumine Island sustains a significant population of the critically endangered orange-fronted parakeet. To assess the long-term trends of the species on offshore islands, further population assessments are needed.

-2024 progress made with DOC on translocation of Orange-fronted Parakeet to Anchor Island – plan to release 100 birds by 2030 and we do dispersal analysis, population dynamic once the birds are established and begin breeding

Status: IUCN Critically Endangered / CITES Appendix II

Population: Fewer than 300, decreasing.

Threats: This species has suffered from rat and stoat invasions and loss of nesting beech trees through harvest and burning. Deer, cattle and possums have degraded low-lying brush. Psittacine beak and feather disease has been found on Little Barrier and Maud Islands in other Cyanoramphus species, as well as antibodies in some Orange-fronted Parakeets.

Range: New Zealand, formerly throughout North and South Islands, now only on South Island in South Hurunui, Poulter and Hawdon River valleys. Captive-bred birds were introduced to Chalky Island, Fiordland, and Maud and Blumine Islands. Also introduced in the north to Mayor Island.

Natural history: These parakeets are found below 1000 m (3280 ft) in upland beech (Nothofagus) forests on the mainland; occur in mixed Podocarp and beech areas on the two offshore islands at lower altitudes. They feed on shoots, buds, berries, flowers, seeds and insects, including caterpillars, aphids and scale insects. They are seen in pairs or small flocks but will mix with Yellow-crowned Parakeets (Cyanoramphus auriceps).