IUCN/CITES Status: Endangered / Appendix I
Population: 5500–14,000 mature individuals; nominate of species possibly extinct on Sangihe Is. Decreasing.
Threats: This species has a restricted range. Habitat loss and illegal overexploitation for trade have caused serious declines. Insecticide use and disease transmission via escaped cage birds to wild populations are potential hazards.
Range: Native to Sangihe, Talaud and Nanusa Islands, Indonesia. Nominate on Sangihe likely extinct.
Natural history: Red-and-blue Lories are found in forest and cultivated areas up to 1250 m (4100 ft). Their diet includes coconut, and the fruit and nectar of various trees. Insects are also taken. They are most commonly seen flying in groups of up to 8 birds. Large, very vocal numbers gather together to roost.