Status: IUCN Vulnerable / CITES Appendix II
Population: 2500-10,000 mature individuals, decreasing.
Threats: This parrot has a restricted range. Appears to be uncommon; the total population may only be a few thousand birds. Is affected by habitat destruction and a history of illegal gold mining and settlement in Podocarpus National Park. There is also local trapping for trade.
Range: Found in the east slope of Andes in SE Ecuador and N Peru.
Natural history: White-necked Conures are found from 900-1700 m (2952-5576 ft) in humid forests in upper tropical and subtropical zones, preferring upland forests along waterways, mainly in primary forests and will tolerate some habitat disturbance. They favour flowers of different vines, fruits, and berries in their diet. These parrots are seen in flocks of a dozen or less, but sometimes up to 50, feeding in the upper canopy. They bathe in rockpools or among moss-covered rocks.