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Ethics & Welfare


Kiwa: The Story of a Macaw Rescue

Desi Milpacher

A look at how a chance visit to a breeding facility inspired an incredible rescue.

Solutions That Might Benefit the Rescue/Adoption Situation

EB Cravens

Author and parrot care expert EB Cravens discusses practical and proactive solutions to the issues of rehoming parrots.

Reflections on Parrot Rescue and Adoption

EB Cravens

Author and parrot care expert EB Cravens weighs in on the realities of parrot rescues and adoption.

Why Adoption Makes Sense

Ann Brooks

Phoenix Landing's Ann Brooks explains the positives of parrot adoption.

Is Captive Breeding for the Pet Trade ‘Responsible Aviculture’

Gina Kornblith

One person's opinion on the important subject of captive breeding and responsible aviculture.

Parrot Adoption Education

Judy Hill

Perspectives and experiences gained from creating a parrot rescue.

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