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Parrot Bloggers
Personal online journals of parrot
specialists from around the world.

Emily Robinson

Brazil, Land of the Spix’s: Part II

Parrot Blogger: Emily Robinson | Oct 23, 2013

The change is abrupt. I urge my shaky rental over the last of the rocky red road, out from under the cooling shade of the tree canopy, into the brilliant sun and onto the Brazilian highway. My mind and heart are achingly full of my recent experience visiting Bill and Linda Wittkoff at the Lymington...

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Steve Brookes

Tree in Multiple Occupation

Parrot Blogger: Steve Brookes | Jun 25, 2013

Welcome to my first blog for the World Parrot Trust. It is my intention to tell you about my experiences as they happen on my Parrot Watching Trips however in between trips I want to write about some of my special Parrot encounters from past trips.

As my next Parrot Watching Trip is not until...

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Sam Williams, PhD

The Echo logo’s secret

Parrot Blogger: Sam Williams, PhD | Jun 20, 2013

For a long time now I've been meaning to describe the lovely little arty details about the new logo design. As we've just installed our great new sign at Dos Pos it seems appropriate do that now. If you haven't seen the sign take a look on our Facebook page: Reading

Ria Winters

The Cuban Macaw

Parrot Blogger: Ria Winters | May 26, 2013

So now and then I try to bring extinct parrots back to life with my paintings.

This effort is of the Cuban Macaw -- Ara tricolor -- that disappeared in the 19th century.

This beautiful orange-blue-and-brown coloured member of  the Ara genus lived in the damp forests of West and Central Cuba. It...

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